Join us for an Joyous Sukkot!
Sukkot is here! Also known as the Festival of Joy, Sukkot is a time of celebration and gratitude.
We celebrate by having festive meals in the Sukkah and shaking the Lulav and Etrog.
Friday 9/29
Sushi in the Sukkah - Sukkah @ CSRL House - 6:15 PM
Friday night meal in the sukkah! Enjoy some sushi and great company while celebrating the festival of Sukkot! 6:15 PM Candle lighting & Services. 7:00 PM Dinner
Shabbat 9/30
Sukkot/Shabbat Services - CSRL House -
11:00 AM
Shabbat and Sukkot Morning Services, with torah reading from the new Torah!
Steaks in the Sukkah - Rothstein Home - 8:00 PM
Enjoy a Sukkot dinner, with steaks galore at the Rothstein Home!
Sunday 10/1
Bagel Brunch - Sukkah @ CSRL House - 11:00 AM - 2 PM
Bagel Brunch in the sukkah on Sunday of Sukkot! Shake the Lulav and Etrog and enjoy a scrumptious brunch!
Sukkah @ Alumni Hall
Enjoy Kosher sliders in the Sukkah and get the chance to shake the Lulav and Etrog!
Tuesday 10/3 from 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Wednesday 10/4 from 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
All Chabad House services are free for students.
however they are expensive.
If you are in the position, please consider making a donation.