Join us for an incredible Rosh Hashana!
Wednesday 10/2
Services - Chabad House - 6:45 PM
An exquisite campus wide Rosh Hashanah Dinner in The Chabad House! Apples and honey, Challah, brisket, kugel, salads, sides, and the feeling of home in the center of Campus.
Family Style Night 1 - Chabad House - 7:30 PM
Rosh Hashanah is a deep, meaningful, and joyous time. The services at Chabad reflect this and are engaging, authentic, and uplifting, with explanations and singing.
Thursday 10/3
Morning Services - Chabad Hall - 9:30 AM
Meaningful, energetic services with explanations, stories, and singing. Feel free to come and go as you please or stay for the whole thing.
9:30 AM Shacharit - 12:15 PM Shofar SErvice - 12:45 PM Musaf
Rosh Hashana Lunch - Chabad House - 2:15 PM
Enjoy a delicious and meaningful Rosh Hashana lunch!
Rosh Hashanah Eve Services - Chabad House - 8:00 PM
Rosh Hashanah is a deep, meaningful, and joyous time. The services at Chabad reflect this and are engaging, authentic, and uplifting, with explanations and singing.
Family Style Dinner - Chabad House- 8:30 PM
Join our family and dozens of students for a family-style Rosh Hashanah Dinner followed by a farbrengen!
Friday 10/4
Morning Services & Shofar Blowing - Chabad House - 9:30AM
Meaningful, energetic services with explanations, stories, and singing. Feel free to come and go as you please or stay for the whole thing.
9:30 AM Shacharit - 12:30 PM Shofar Service - 12:45 PM Musaf
Rosh Hashana Lunch - Chabad House - 2:15 PM
Enjoy a delicious and meaningful Rosh Hashana lunch!
Tashlich - - 3:15 PM
Meet us at Chabad House as we walk to Centennial Park for this ancient mystical custom by the pond.
Shofar & Brisket - Chabad House - 5:00 PM
Quick, easy, meaningful, and delicious. Stop by to do the main Mitzvah of Rosh Hashanah, hear the Shofar, feel its message, and enjoy a brisket sandwich buffet.
All Chabad House meals and services are free for students.
however they are expensive.
If you are in the position, please consider making a donation.