Thursday, Dec 7
4:30 PM - Public Menorah Lighting - Rand Terrace
7:00 PM - Light Your Own Menorah - Commons Center
8:00 PM - Light Your Own Menorah - Branscomb Lobby
Come light your own Menorah!
Friday, Dec 8
4:10 PM - Shabbat Menorah Lighting - The CSRL House
Light Shabbat candles along with the Menorah lighting!
Motzai Shabbat, Dec 9
8:30 PM - Chanukah Party -Location given upon RSVP
Fun Chanukah Party with Menorah, latkas, Chanukah gelt and more!
Sunday, Dec 10
6:00 PM - Chanukah Pop Up - Commons Center
9:00 PM - Chanukah Pop Up - Branscomb Lobby
Come light the Menorah, enjoy latkas and Jewish company!
Monday, Dec 11
6:00 PM - Light Your Own Menorah - Commons Center
9:00 PM - Light Your Own Menorah - Branscomb Lobby
Come light your own Menorah!
Tuesday, Dec 12
6:00 PM - Light Your Own Menorah - Commons Center
Come light your own Menorah!
7:00 PM - Latke Party - The CSRL House
Fun Latka party with other Chanukah refreshments and Menorah lighting!
Wednesday, Dec 13
6:00 PM - Light Your Own Menorah - Commons Center
8:00 PM - Light Your Own Menorah - Branscomb Lobby
Come light your own Menorah!
Thursday, Dec 14
6:00 PM - Light Your Own Menorah - Commons Center
8:00 PM - Light Your Own Menorah - Branscomb Lobby
Come light your own Menorah!
All Chabad House services are free for students.
however they are expensive.
If you are in the position, please consider making a donation.